Choose the voice from the System Voice pop-up menu.Hi guys, first time poster here. If a yellow warning sign appears beside the selected voice, it’s downloaded when you click OK. Click the checkbox beside the voice to add. In the Text to Speech pane of Dictation & Speech preferences, choose Customize from the System Voice pop-up menu.
If you add a voice that’s not on your Mac, it’s automatically downloaded from Apple. You can add voices to the System Voice pop-up menu by choosing Customize. If you don’t see the voice or language you want
Adjust how fast the voice speaks by dragging the Speaking Rate slider. To add voices on Mavericks Choose a voice Deselect the checkbox beside the voice you want to delete. You can delete a voice that you downloaded to your Mac. The voice appears in the menu when the download is complete. Click the System Voice pop-up menu, then choose the voice. To sample a voice, select it, then click Play. To find a voice, enter its name, country, or language in the search field. Select the checkbox beside the voices you want to add. In the Text to Speech pane of Dictation & Speech preferences, choose Customize from the bottom of the System Voice pop-up menu (choose Apple menu > System Preferences, click Dictation & Speech, then click Text to Speech).
You can add voices to the System Voice pop-up menu.
Click Play to test the voice and speaking rate. You can adjust how fast the voice speaks by dragging the Speaking Rate slider.
Click the pop-up menu, then choose a voice. Choose Apple menu > System Preferences, click Dictation & Speech, then click Text to Speech. Mac offers a variety of voices through S ystem Preferences. Language voices for Mac can be installed through the Mac OS X operating system.